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end of term awards

Kennylands Gymnastics award a member of each class at the end of each term.  â€‹Awards are given for the following categories:


  • Effort Award

  • Sportsperson of the Term

  • High Achiever

  • Most Improved


​Our Effort Award is awarded to those members within each class who demonstrate determination, hard work and perseverance consistently within each of their sessions and are an inspiration to others.


Our Sportsperson Award is awarded to those members within each class who demonstrate determination, kindness to all and are encouraging to others within their group.

Our High Achiever Award is awarded to those members within each class who have achieved particularly well this term, often exceeding expectations, together with demonstrating perseverance and hard work.


Our Most Improved Award is awarded to those members within each class who have shown the greatest improvement in their gymnastics during the term.  Improvement may not just be limited to gymnastics skills improvement, but also in terms of having improved their approach to their work within the sport.

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